Prayer Needs for Mission Partners

7/14/2024: Please pray for Carlos and Suzanne Tejada. Suzanne (Westover) attended CrossLife for many years growing up and then attended our Spanish speaking congregation with husband Carlos. They have been living and serving in Cartago, Costa Rica with ReachGlobal. Carlos is involved in building relationships with pastors across the city and in other regions of Costa Rica to form collaborative partnerships among pastors and churches and provide theological and Biblical training. He is working alongside indigenous pastors that are planting churches among their people group. Around 80% of pastors do not have formal theological or biblical training. Equipping pastors helps them better prepare their teaching and preaching of the word of God more effectively. Suzanne's primary ministry is working with a Christian foster agency, Casa Viva, connecting them with local churches. In mid-March a time of renewal began for Carlos. ReachGlobal encourages each missionary to take a few months of sabbatical-like time during each five-year period of serving. This is a time for rest, prayer, and reading. This time serves to disconnect from many things and pray to see what direction God wants to give them in ministry. During this time, Carlos had the opportunity to visit his mom in Georgia and marry his nephew Andy to his wife Leslie. It was great to reconnect with family and friends from a long time ago. Carlos also was invited by a friend to attend a conference in Kenya. It was good to see the large number of movements that are growing and the ministry they are doing in territories where the church is persecuted. Believers from Sudan, Somalia, and other countries were there. Their current prayer and praise requests include:

  • Carlos' transition back to indigenous ministry with local formation team and implementation of new strategies to move forward.
  • their children, Alesa and Elijah, and their growth spiritually and for sensitivity to God's guidance, wisdom and love in their lives.
  • Every two years ReachGlobal holds a conference for missionaries in Latin America/Caribbean region. This year it will be in Mexico the first week of August. The children enjoyed the last conference because they were able to make friends from other countries and have lots of fun. For us adults, there are workshops, meetings and some relaxing and having fun too! They hope it will be a time to learn and make good connections for the ministry. Suzanne will be facilitating a small group class on contextualization that will continue beyond the conference. This is a very essential topic if they want the message of the gospel to be understood and accepted in the hearts of those they serve. Pray for it to be a meaningful time and not too stressful. (Alesa and Elijah miss a week of school and it's a lot of schoolwork to keep up with.)
  • new financial partners to help meet their budget.
  • upcoming planning meetings and outreaches to indigenous regions.
  • praise for Carlos' time of Renewal.
  • praise for family and friends near and far that are a great support to our family.
  • praise for experiences shared and learning with other believers in Kenya.

7/7/2024: Please pray for Lonnie and Debbie Smith. The Smiths serve with EFCA Reach Global in Marseille, France and are involved in church planting and relational evangelism. Please pray for the ministries they are involved in in Marseille including the Merlan Church and the university students who had been involved in the FEU this past year. The FEU (which is the French word for fire, but also stands for Foyer Evangélique Universitaire) is the university student ministry of the Merlan Church. Requests the Smiths have shared include:

  • Praise God with us for the good news for the young refugee family the Merlan is hosting. They are a young couple with two daughters ages one and five. Pray the Lord would strengthen them and restore them after many months of hardships and trauma. They speak Arabic, as well as their own language, and French, and he has been helping with fruit and vegetable distribution on Wednesdays and Saturdays at church. There is a little shop owner at the end of the street who donates whatever produce that is not sold. This is such a help to the moms in the neighborhood of the church who struggle to make ends meet. Their presence with us at the Merlan is such a gift, as they were heavily involved in ministry in their country.
  • Praise the Lord for the home group that meets at the FEU just off campus and has been welcoming students regularly. Pray for André, Sébastien, and Julien who are not yet believers, but have been asking questions and attending several of the lectures that were organized by the FEU this past year.
  • The Olympic torch arrived from Greece to our ancient city of Marseille on May 8 with much fanfare and celebration! One of our elders at the Merlan, André-Yves, works for a company that is a sponsor of the Summer Olympics. He had the honor of taking part in the ceremonies that took place in Marseille as the Olympic torch was received and is pictured passing it on! Pray for the many evangelism initiatives that will take place in Paris and around the country this summer, and for the safety of athletes, spectators, and travelers.
  • Pray for each of us through the summer, that whether we are at home or traveling, we will all be a shining light for the gospel of Jesus Christ in the places God leads us.

6/30/2024: Please pray for Exodus World Service. Exodus mobilizes the Christian community to welcome and befriend refugees. They do this by educating churches and individuals about the plight of refugees, connecting volunteers with refugees through practical service projects, and empowering people to be champions for refugees.

  • A refugee is a person who has been forced to leave his/her homeland and is unable to return because she or he has experienced persecution or has a well-founded fear of persecution. Persecution can be related to race, nationality, religion, political opinions, or membership in a particular social group. Pray for those who grieve what has been left behind.
  • There are over 35.3 million refugees around the world, with 72 percent from just five countries: Syria, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Venezuela, and South Sudan. Pray those who flee will be given warm food and drink to sustain their bodies and spirits and come to know the bread of life and living water.
  • 41 percent of the world’s refugees are under the age of 18. Most refugees wait an average of 17 years in a refugee camp or in urban areas outside a camp before returning to their country or resettling in a new country. Pray all seeking refuge in neighboring countries find a safe place to lay their heads tonight.
  • Each year less than one percent of the world’s refugees are resettled to a new country. Pray for the support of the global community providing aid to refugees and for each hand involved and may we all faithfully serve those searching for a new home.
  • Refugees are the most thoroughly vetted individuals entering the United States, with vetting taking a minimum of several years and most often many more years. Let us remember those who have fled when they arrive in our cities and homes.

6/16/2024: Please pray for Leon and Mandy Poplawski, who work with Cru City in Lake County. They want to help leaders in the workplace, community, and church live out their callings and learn to communicate their faith. They mentor individuals, lead groups, teach classes in Lake County churches, and mentor individuals in living out the Gospel, helping them to see their work matters. Mandy currently serves with CrossLife The MomCo. We have been privileged to have been mission partners with this couple since 1999. See the Cru website for more info. Praises and prayer requests include: 

  • Mandy organized and put together a great team which ran a digital conference with all of our staff (200) spread out around the country.
  • Leon has seen 8 men indicate decisions for Christ.
  • Currently there are 15 inmates doing Bible study at the Lake County Jail. Pray for these men as many are growing in Christ and being influencers.
  • Prayers for wisdom and stamina as they implement a succession plan and begin looking to the future. They are hoping to develop ministry partners that can carry on sharing the good news.

6/2/2024: Please pray for Francesco and Manuela Grassi, missionaries with the United World Mission and serving at the Italian Evangelical Bible Institute in Rome. As a missional scholar for the Theological Education Initiative (a branch of the UWM), Francesco is involved in the ministry of theological education, both residentially as well as in the various decentralized schools around Italy. Together with Manuela, they also serve as mentors, providing counseling and hospitality to students living away from home. Their passion and prayer is for Italian believers to recover the importance of a sound and holistic biblical formation for the life and witness of the church in Italy. IBEI (Rome) is intentionally and concretely invested in this regard. Current updates and prayer requests include:

5/26/2024: Please pray for the European Leadership Forum (ELF) in Wisla, Poland. ELF will take place May 25 to May 30. Greg and Doreen Herman will be serving as members of the Forum Volunteer Team to help facilitate the logistics of the Forum’s annual meeting, creating a warm and welcoming environment in which the participants can receive teaching and encouragement. The mission of the European Leadership Forum is to unite, equip, and resource evangelical leaders to renew the biblical church and evangelize Europe, with an emphasis on Eastern Europe. As a coalition of evangelical Christian groups, it seeks to do what no single organization could do alone: provide a bridge between God’s global resources and local leaders from all over Europe. At this annual meeting, leaders teach, train, and encourage participants as everyone seeks to identify common needs and find resources to meet them. Attendees find mentors and build friendships that will allow collaboration and new partnerships.  Each year, an estimated 860 events, strategies, and partnerships are organized by Forum attendees in their home countries as a result of the annual meeting.  

  • Please pray the Forum will have a powerful impact on the European Church and the volunteers and speakers will have many opportunities to provide support.
  • Pray for all of the speakers and volunteers to travel safely and maintain health and energy to serve the attendees.
  • Most attendees are from Eastern Europe. There has been a large group from Ukraine in the past. Pray for the opportunity for them to attend and for the doors that are opening to share the gospel in this time of crisis.
  • For more information about ELF visit: Home | European Leadership Forum (

5/19/2024: Our Mission focus this week are the local outreach ministries CrossLife supports: The MomCo (formally MOPS), Fit Moms, and Replanted. Prayer Requests are:

The MomCo 

  1. MOPS corporate has recently rebranded their ministry to be called The MomCo - short for The Mom Community. This change reflects the desire to reach moms beyond the preschool years. The MomCo leadership at Crosslife will be meeting this summer to reflect how this change will impact their vision for our group and the impact for the community. This past year they had a great time digging into the 2023-2024 theme of "Say Yes" and building relationships with many new moms from the community. Their last meeting of the year was on Friday and they will start our 4 week Bible Study on June 7th.  
  2. Please pray for leadership as they plan for the 2024-2025 year.
  3. Please pray for new moms looking for a place to connect in the community and find our MomCo for spiritual and emotional encouragement in their roles as mothers. We have seen God work in the hearts of the moms this year and look forward to the future of this ministry. Please see our website for more information.

FIT Moms

  1. Established in 1987, we are a faith-based organization designed to provide loving instruction to single moms and their children in the Waukegan area. The ministry exists to serve as a bridge to self-sufficiency and life transformation through a program of education, support, referral, advocacy, mentoring and spiritual guidance.
  2. Praise God for the regular attendance of a small group of families allowing us input into their lives. Praise for the ways we have seen the children come to know more of Jesus and His love for them.
  3. Praise God for the completion of our school year of class. Thanks be to God for providing for practical needs such as meals and intentional interaction with the children, much of which came through the CrossLife Church family.
  4. Pray some of the lessons learned by moms regarding parenting will become habits in their homes.
  5. Pray for physical, emotional, and spiritual protection for these families throughout the summer.
  6. Pray God will lead us to the right woman to fill our open part-time staff position, which includes teaching, mentoring, and community relations.
  7. Pray for our summer events, the first being on June 2nd, will provide fun and different means of interaction with the families, and between the moms and their children.
  8. Pray each mother and child will learn more of the love of Jesus and understand their need of a Savior. Pray their time with us will help not only to bring calm to their homes, but a trust in Christ.
  9. To learn more, follow us on Facebook (FIT Moms Illinois), or email us to receive our quarterly newsletter. Please see our website for more information.


  1. Replanted is a national ministry equipping churches to support foster, adoptive, and safe families in our community. CrossLife hosted monthly gatherings for 8 families during its initial year and provided over 40 volunteers (adults & children) to help make meetings run smoothly. 
  2. As a unique ministry offering in Lake County, there is expectation and hope for growth. Please pray the ministry can expand to multiple groups in coordination with churches and agencies in our community. 
  3. For more information check out their website.

5/12/2024: Please pray for Cheque and Hope Garcia. Cheque and Hope spent 9 years working in Monterrey, Mexico with Back2Back Ministries. Back2Back Ministries is an international Christian non-profit organization dedicated to being a voice for orphans. Many in our congregation have been to Monterey to work with them in their ministry. In 2018, they began the process of setting up a Back2Back presence in the Dominican Republic. They have been back in Monterey for the past couple of months awaiting the birth of their 3rd son Ezra and will return to the DR as soon as paperwork for Ezra is done! This is an update from the Garcia's: 

  • We are so thankful Ezra Luca arrived healthy and well on April 14th. We have been enjoying him and all he has brought to our family. 
  • We are currently overseeing the DR site from afar while working on getting Ezra’s passport so we can fly back. 
  • The education program in the community of Cien Fuegos in the DR continues to grow with more students joining every week. God continues to give us favor with the community leaders and members. 
  • Pray for Ezra’s paperwork to be finished quickly and for the Garcias as they transition back to the DR.
  • Pray for grace and creativity for the B2B team running the education program. 
  • Pray for continued favor in the Cien Fuegos community and wisdom as we look to expand our efforts there.

5/5/2024: Please pray for Youssouf and Awa Dembele. The Dembeles are contributing to the work of the church in Mali, Africa and throughout the world through leadership in the local church, seminary, evangelical associations, and bible translation projects. Youssouf shares the following:  

  • This week was very challenging. I attended to three burial ceremonies. Temperatures are very high, up to 113 to 117°F.
  • I praise the Lord for we are healthy in spite of Awa’s sporadic backpain.
  • On April 25-28, I attended the General Assembly of our Church denomination. I had the privilege to preach four sermons, three of which were on Acts 20:28. One of my goals was to teach Church leaders how to interpret a given biblical text in a practical manner.
  • Thank the Lord for the opportunity to teach at a youth gathering of 12 Churches this morning in Bamako.
  • Pray for the Konabere Bible translation team (the language group is in Mali and Burkina Faso). The team is right now in Bamako working with me on the book of Exodus. Their village has been visited this week by the jihadists. One of the translators had some of his sheep taken away by the jihadists. We will be working here till May 10.
  • Pray for my trip to Rome 12-18 May to attend UBS Personal Development Meeting.

4/28/2024: In 1979 Cru created the Jesus Film. Since then, the film has been translated into over 2100 languages around the world. We have 2 Mission Partners involved in working with the Jesus Film in different roles of support. They have shared exciting updates about their involvement with Cru and the film.

Wayne and Barbara Brink send this update:

  • We recently sent teams to serve in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. They delivered computer tablets and portable projectors (in backpacks) to our partner ministry, the Message for Mayans. They will use these tools for training and equipping local pastors to reach their people. You also played a key role in getting the gospel to our Mayans neighbors.
  • Over the course of three evenings, 417 people saw one of the Jesus Film movies and 181 indicated they trusted Jesus as their Savior. Each number represents a life that heard the gospel in their heart language and responded to its message. Saturday night in Xtobil, the first village, they showed the Story of Jesus for Children (SJFC). Almost half the town’s population came to watch the movie and heard it spoken in their native language, Mayan. The next two evenings they showed Magdalena - Sunday evening in Spanish and Monday evening in Mayan.
  • The follow-up after a film showing is immediate and essential. A pastor or missionary in each village will get contact information in order to follow up with new believers and connect with those seeking to know more about Jesus.
  • Pastor Angel and his wife Yolanda are engaged in preaching the gospel and discipling believers. Our team met with them on the second and third evenings to show Magdalena. Five years ago, they received a motorcycle and Jesus Film resources to reach further into the Yucatan and increase their effectiveness in ministry. Since then, they’ve helped plant five new churches.
  • Lorenzo, our bus driver, watched SJFC in Mayan on Saturday night and Magdalena in Spanish on Sunday evening. After seeing Magdalena, Lorenzo trusted Jesus as his Savior.
  • A couple of months ago, my (Wayne) back went out. Eventually, we found a doctor who is helping me heal. Please pray for quick healing so that we can continue our rigorous travel schedule. Other than that, we are doing well and seeing more open doors than ever.

Gerry Buchhloz shared this update:

  • I got to meet with the leader and assistant of a new Austin ministry called "More Than Welcome".  I walked them through the JF app and how to use it and pointed out some refugee tools on our JF website - he was very appreciative. Pray they will step out and use the things I shared with them.
  • I recently had the opportunity to share these same resources with the Navigators team called "Nations Within".  This team focuses on reaching refugees/migrants. 
  • Great Hills Baptist Church showed JESUS in 10 languages at one time on one screen on April 11th. Thank the Lord the Holy Spirit was over this showing. Afterwards students were asking lots of questions about the film. One table had 3 (Muslim) Berber men from Algeria. Please pray for many to trust in Jesus. At the same time let's praise God for the new believers (at least 10-15) from the last 3 showings.
  • God raised the support in an amazing way for a couple I've been coaching. I worked with the wife this time, and she and I have become good friends through the last couple of months. I love coaching and count it such a privilege to help JF staff and, at the same time, become such close friends.
  • Pray God will give me His words and wisdom as I train the Nav team to use our app and our website in their ministry of teaching Afghan migrants. I have a new idea and resource for them to pray about and consider. One of our JF staff is from Morocco and is a Muslim background believer. He is eager to help the Nav team with a digital strategy that has resulted in thousands of Muslims coming to Christ. Pray God will lead us and use these tools to draw many Afghans here in Austin to His heart.
  • Pray the "More Than Welcome" ministry will use our films and videos to reach migrants / refugees with the gospel.
  • Pray God will open the doors he wants me to walk through. I was recently given the contact info of another church that is reaching immigrants through ESL. Pray they will be interested in showing their students the JESUS film in their heart languages. Pray I can reach out to more immigrant churches as well.
  • Please pray for my daughter, Laura, and her family. Raising 3 teens is a challenging job. Please pray for wisdom and protection over the whole family.

4/21/2024: Please pray for Ben and Jeanne Beckner, who serve with a nonprofit organization based in Iowa and live in Perpignan, France. Ben is professor of intercultural studies at a private theological training college located in Geneva, Switzerland. He is also founder and director of a French cultural nonprofit which uses French language teaching as a training tool for cross-cultural outreach and communication. Ben and Jeanne are active members of a local French Baptist church in Perpignan. Their plan is to retire in Colorado in 2025. They have been busy preparing for life back in the USA, helping with grandchildren in various places, visiting supporting churches, and continuing ministries in Europe. Ben is greatly concerned about believers in Ukraine and shares these updates:

  • Ben returned from Europe the Thursday of Easter week, and we all rejoiced at his safe arrival after so many far-flung travels. Having just returned from an intense month in France and Eastern Europe, where he spent practically the whole month with Ukrainians, whether refugees in France, or internal refugees in Ukraine, or just normal Ukrainians experiencing daily the unprovoked, satanic, genocidal hatred of Putin’s Russia against their country, culture and people. 
  • Pray the remaining churches and believers in the occupied Crimean Peninsula, as well as in the Donbas region of Eastern Ukraine, most of which have gone underground, may stand firm against the evil of this present régime, the malicious propaganda and the vast corruption of the authorities. Pray for the many believers who have fled Crimea and Donbas.
  • Pray for the churches and believers in Free Ukraine, who are all the more zealous, in their present suffering, to care for the suffering and needy, to welcome internally displaced persons and families, and to proclaim the "Gospel of peace” (Eph 6:15). Pray for these believers who are fighting on the front, for their chaplains, a new phenomenon initiated by Ukrainian evangelicals. 
  • Pray for the Ukrainian believers who have scattered throughout Europe, bringing blessing to the countries and cities that welcome them, who are encouraging their churches to become more intentionally and intelligently engaged in spiritual warfare, in Christian compassion and mission, and in intercession for peace and freedom in Eastern Europe.
  • We took care of our four grandchildren here while their parents went to visit Rachel and Tim in Scotland for a week. All went well in the midst of potty training the youngest, and seeing that the three oldest got to and from school on time, and with all their paraphernalia! It was a lot of fun, if somewhat tiring at times, but we were so glad to be here to help out. We’re making memories — we hope!
  • Ben is also in the throes of teaching an online course through the Geneva Bible Institute, to 18 students of all ages and on several continents, which requires many “Partnering with local churches to mobilize believers for active involvement in reaching the world for Christ”. It is especially complicated because of our eight-hour time difference. He will also be on the jury deliberation for the final theses of six students who are finishing the missions track this spring. And in June he’ll be again teaching a class on the history of mission in person at the Bible Institute. So he’s got a lot on his plate right now.
  • We are planning a very quick trip out to California for a week in order to visit some of the churches we couldn’t get to last year and to see some long-term supporters and friends.
  • After we come back to Colorado on May 1, we will have not quite two weeks before we leave for the summer in France on May 14. We are looking so forward to seeing our friends back in Perpignan and staying in our little apartment once again. We will have various family visits during those weeks, and Ben will be teaching and preparing for his camps in July. 

4/14/2024: Please pray for Ben and Beth Barthelemy serve in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. In addition to teaching at Union Bible Institute, discipling young women on campus, serving at a local children's home, and learning the isiZulu language, Ben and Beth are also raising four beautiful girls (Norah, Stella, Tess, and Adele). They have returned from home assignment and are settling back into the full swing of life in Pietermaritzburg. The following are their current updates and requests:

  • UBI is in the full swing of term 1. We're grateful for 14 new students this year, and still praying for more to join. Our distance program has its largest intake this year, at 27 students. Pray for these students to be strengthened and trained in the gospel, prepared well for future ministry.
  • The girls and I have begun our homeschool year - it's crazy to me that we have a 6th grader! It's been good to settle into our regular, weekly rhythm again. Pray for a good year of learning, connection, and discipleship in our home.
  • Ben and I are heading up our church's youth group this year, which has felt daunting at times, but we are excited about it. It seems like a great group of youth - they are passionate and eager to grow! Pray for these youth to come to deep and lasting faith in Christ! We start our church youth group up again this Friday - continue to pray for the hearts of these kids to be changed by the gospel. Cross cultural youth ministry is a whole new challenge, but we're grateful to be a part.
  • We're also hoping to start back at Thandi House (local children's home) this term, where we've done a Bible club on and off over the years. Ultimately, please pray we will be faithful to what God has for us, less concerned about ourselves and our own impact, and more for the gospel going forward.
  • This first term (Jan-March) is very full for us, and we are just trying to keep up. Pray for stamina and faithfulness, for our marriage and parenting during heavy work seasons, and for wisdom for the next terms as we seek to make life and work more sustainable

4/7/2024: Please pray for Keith and Judy Anderson, who serve with EFCA ReachGlobal through ProMETA. Keith works with the ProMETA team, an online seminary offering master’s level education for Spanish speaking leaders. Some notes and prayer requests from Keith and Judy include:

  • Last week, Dr. Javier Sepúlveda, ProMETA’s rector (Keith’s successor), invited four graduate/current students to share with the 30+ ProMETA team members how ProMETA has been used of God in their lives. It was so encouraging to hear how God has provided the training these committed servants of the Lord have been looking for!
  • Pray for Keith as he works with Dr. Sepúlveda and his family on immigration issues. Canada has not renewed their visas to remain in Canada as of October, thus they are looking for options offering a healthy and affordable living experience, income for Javier’s wife (she has two master’s degrees), and a platform for leading the ProMETA team for many years to come.
  • Praise God for the transformation of ProMETA’s master’s programs into programs accredited by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS). This is a big “win” for Latin American ministry leaders. They will now earn a master’s degree which will provide the credentials for teaching in their own countries. The accreditation also certifies quality and integrity of the programs. Three more master’s programs are entering the accreditation process: 1) Christian Leadership, 2) Bible and Theology, and 3) Theology and Contemporary Culture.
  • Praise God for graduates who are translating Scripture into the indigenous languages of their culture. ProMETA has provided a strong cultural, biblical and theological background for their ministries.
  • Pray for Keith as he works on a commission with the ProMETA board president on crafting a scholarship policy that can be applied to a region with a broad range of economies and challenges!
  • Many staff on the ProMETA team are experiencing serious health issues, themselves or family members. Pray for God’s protection and His healing.
  • Pray for ProMETA’s leadership team as they seek ways to help them supplement the little financial support they are receiving.
  • Pray for Keith as he prepares for a four-month module on Bible and Theology for the doctoral cohort. The cohort will be halfway through their program!
  • Pray for Samuel (ProMETA’s academic dean) and Keith as they prepare for a ReachGlobal trip to Brazil in two months. The two will be leading the first part of a three-day discussion on “Transformation through Theological Education.” Pray also for our ReachGlobal Latin American International Leader, Omar Rodriguez, as he prepares for and leads the event.

3/10/2024: Please pray for Mike and Ann Wheeler, who are with Serving in Mission (SIM) in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Mike is involved in training Seminary students in central South America and assists in accreditation of regional seminaries. Anne is involved in several ministries teaching and assisting administratively. They have transitioned back to the United States in Waseca, MN as their home base. These are the prayer requests they have shared:

  • Mike is corresponding with about ten seminaries throughout Latin America that are either exploring accreditation, actively pursuing accreditation, or are working toward reaccreditation. Please pray for the three seminaries formally in the process of either accreditation or reaccreditation. Pray also for Mike as he helps them during this process and prepares the teams who will visit them for their final review.
  • Thank you for praying for Ann as we decide what her ministry will look like in the coming years. While in the UK we had several days to pray specifically about what she should do in 2024. The Lord clearly showed us the ministry Ann had been considering was not a good match. Ann and that ministry amicably agreed to this at the end of January. We also feel it is time for her to be less involved with Apoyo in Bolivia. So, she will no longer be part of their administrative team, but will still teach courses and coach some Christian leaders. She will also help Crown Financial Ministries as a budget coach, working with one Spanish speaking client at a time. Together with our SIM supervisor, we have agreed Ann will explore needs within SIM that may fit her experience and gifting. In the meantime, she will explore ministry opportunities in Waseca and continue the transition to life in the US, while seeking the Lord for the future. Please pray the Lord will guide us as she explores different options.